Sunday, February 26, 2012

This is a Re-Post from last May when I tried to start another blog. I loved the experience so I am reposting it here (to the official blog).

Monday, May 16, 2011

My 40th Birthday and MICA!

Well, I have always wanted to start a blog. I actually set this blog site up when we moved to Philly almost three years ago. But, today I turned 40, and I is time to do something I have always wanted to do but haven't quite gotten around to it. Besides, I need a hobby. My husband has about 20 of them. I work a lot, enjoy being by the pool in the summer, shopping on weekends, but no real bona fide hobbies. OK, I enjoy cooking which is sort of a hobby. I also LOVE trying out new restaurants (not really a hobby, right?). Here in Philly, there are so many that it is virtually impossible to try all of the them. Heck, people are always talking about some new restaurant that I have yet to even hear about. However, my husband planned dinner Saturday evening for 6 of us at Mica in Chestnut Hill. I had mentioned wanting to try
this restaurant out. Well, ok, I was at happy hour with friends a few weeks ago and told one friend I really would like to go to Mica for my 40th. I just didn't want to plan it. She kindly telephoned her husband (mutual friends of ours) who then telephoned my husband to inform him he best start planning (or something along those lines).

Well, of course, this restaurant is constantly booked. My husband called and begged. They said nope, no tables available. He then explained his situation. The woman on the phone said, "Well, any interest in sitting at the chef's table for a ten-course meal prepared at the discretion of
the chef." So, this means no menus, no choices, you eat what you get and hope you will like it. Well, I LOVE this concept. My husband....not so much. But, he told the woman to sign him up because it sounded exactly like something I would love.

We arrived at Mica on Saturday for the 8:00 p.m. reservation. (My Mom thinks that is so late and mentioned that is the dinner time of the young....only 40 doesn't feel so young most days. But, I appreciated the boost.) We were taken into the very back of the restaurant to a table that was set aside by itself. My husband sat down and exclaimed how happy he was that we got this
table. The main dining room was a bit noisy. The chef's table was absolutely a perfect place for a small get together where you could genuinely enjoy (and hear) everyone's conversations. Currently, Mica is a BYO establishment. I believe the plan is to get a liquor license soon. But, until then, everyone is encouraged to bring their own bottle (or, ok, bottleS in our case) of wine to accompany their dinner. So, we started on the chardonnay while we waited for everyone. Our guests arrived shortly and then the courses began.

Our first course was the amuse-bouche. All right - I had NO idea what that term meant until about a week ago when I read it in a restaurant review. It is a bite-sized hors d'oeuvre. (OK, and I will feel utterly uncultured if everyone tells me they knew what that meant. Let me pretend to educate, even if I am not.) The amuse-bouche was (I think) pork belly on flat bread. It was some kind of belly on a flat bread. It was very interesting. It tasted rather good. Now, I am sorry I won't remember all of the courses here. But, there was also some kind of prosciutto type of salad thing that was awesome. The little lamb fillets were really good. I was not a fan of the sweetbreads, but I at least gave it a try (never had that before). Probably the best was a blue fin fish (did I get that right? blue tail...hmmm). The chef told us a guy showed up at the back door that day with all these little blue fish that he just caught and asked if they would be interested in buying them. At the time, that sounded so cool and and farm to table hip. On reflection, I wonder if that is safe (as in, did anyone know him?). Oh well, it was absolutely FANTASTIC (and everyone is still alive and kicking)! There was a cheese course and a small dessert course with a little chocolate type thing and some great ice cream with coffee nibs in it.

The chef came out at some point around the 6th course. He introduced himself. Jason Cichonski is his name, and he is the former executive chef at Lacroix at Rittenhouse. OK, he sort of looked like Bon Jovi (yes, I grew up in the 80's, so I loved this). At any rate, he chatted for a bit. Then he went in to prepare the remaining courses. At the end of it (prepare to be there almost four
hours for this kind of thing), the chef came out again and talked for a while longer. He wanted feedback and said it was the first night they had done the Chef's Table. Well, I loved it and am thrilled I got to be the first. I loved that I tried things I have never tried before (and never would on my own). OH - I forgot - the yellow fin tuna. AMAZING too. I would never eat that (as it was raw). And it came with little scoops of melon and horseradish ice. The presentation and serve ware is unique and impressive! So, if it were up to me, I would have everyone go try this place purely for the adventure. Though, the food is exquisite. If it were up to my husband, I really think he would have preferred a quick stop at Five Guys for a burger on the way home. He enjoyed it, but it was not really something he would do again. He likes steak and potatoes. So, perhaps, this will be a good girlfriend dinner spot for me in the future.

P.S. - The owner of Blackfish is also the owner of Mica.
Blackfish is another incredible restaurant that is just a few miles from our
house. Highly recommend that experience as well.

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