Sunday, March 25, 2012

CSA and a Cow Share

Community Supported Agriculture ("CSA") programs were something new to me until we moved here in 2008.  I took the train to Center City every day for work.  One day, I noticed a flyer affixed to my windshield that announced an opportunity to buy into a local farm and receive a wonderful share of their produce every week for several months.  Well, that sounded great to me!!  So, I signed us up.  It was wonderful!  Each week, we received fresh produce from the farm.  One week, we might receive radishes, lettuce, rhubarb - an assortment of anything that had been harvested that week.  The absolute best part of the CSA to me was the strawberries!  Those are the best strawberries I have ever eaten.

Here is our CSA farm, Landisdale:

Here is a sample of the box and the produce we might receive each week:

If you are interested in joining a CSA, here is a link that will allow you to plug in your zip code and will search for CSA programs near you!

We no longer do the CSA.  We decided not to renew because it was difficult for us to pick up the produce at the appointed location during the week.  This is our fault, because we have crazy, harried schedules.  Oh, and then Whole Foods opened down the street, and it was just so much easier to go there.  But, I HIGHLY recommend it!

I miss those strawberries.  Whole Foods doesn't come close to these strawberries.

Now,the Philadelphia Cow Share is going to be our next venture.  A colleague at work has done this and raved about it.  I am pretty excited.  We have a big freezer in our basement, so stay tuned for the post on the freezer full of beef!

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